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08.04.2020 / Important events The official web-portal of ANAS continues its activities online

Employees of the ANAS official web portal have continued their activities online since the announcement of the quarantine regime in the country. Information is posted on the portal every day in 3 languages (Azerbaijani, Russian, English).

It is known that due to the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in the world and in our country, the state takes consistent, urgent and urgent measures. As a logical continuation of these measures, from March 29, 2020, by the corresponding order of the President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev, the academy employees were sent on unpaid leave with a one-month salary.

In such a difficult situation, the media (television), television, newspapers, radio and Internet resources have a special responsibility. Media representatives must strictly adhere to the rules of the special quarantine regime and inform the public about the work done in the relevant areas, as well as continue to disseminate information about the events included in the agenda.

Taking this into account, portal, the largest web resource in the field of science in the country, continues to inform the public about innovations in this field in the world and in our country. Every day, the portal displays information on the work done by ANAS institutes and organizations in accordance with the special quarantine regime, their research, distance learning, virtual lessons, etc. At the same time, information is provided on the latest news in relation to the coronavirus pandemic in the world and in our country, on measures taken to combat this virus.


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