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13.04.2020 / New publications The catalog " Azerbaijan book" published

The catalog "Azerbaijan book" compiled by the chief researcher of the Department of Printed Books Research of the Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammad Fuzuli of ANAS Professor Tahira Hasanzadeh, has been published.

The catalog, prepared on the basis of the materials of the Institute of Manuscripts, includes a brief description of Azerbaijani books published in various cities of the world since the first half of the XIX century. The works of 19th century Azerbaijani scientists and cultural figures are reflected here. The chief scientific adviser of the book is the director of the scientific institution academician Teymur Karimli, and the scientific editor is PhD in History, associate professor Javid Jafarov.

The oldest published Azerbaijani book in the catalog is Abbasgulu Aga Bakikhanov's "Ganuni-Gudsi" about the grammar of the Persian language, published in Tbilissi (Tbilisi) in 1831, and Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh's "Tamsilat" published in Tbilisi (1859).


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