NEWS Archive 2227 Çap et
03.06.2020 / New publications Ways to strengthen immunity in a pandemic by natural means

Because the human body's immune system is weak in the fall and winter, it is often prone to illness or disease. For this reason, regardless of education, this question makes everyone think: what is immunity and how to strengthen it?

Immunity is the body's "army" of biological defenses to protect it from disease, germs and other undesirable biological attacks.

While researching the literature, one comes across interesting scientific facts. Thoughts about immunity have been on the minds of mankind for thousands of years, and at a time when science was underdeveloped, people understood the causes of a number of epidemics differently and linked them only to supernatural forces.

Head of the Laboratory of Ethnobotany of the Institute of Botany of ANAS, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Sayyara Ibadullayeva

Head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Bioresources of the Nakhchivan Division, Associate Professor Ramiz Alakbarov


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