NEWS Archive 2145 Çap et
26.06.2020 / Conferences, sessions An online scientific conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of academician Abdulla Garayev was held

Division of Biological and Medical Sciences (DBMS) of ANAS and Institute of Physiology named after acad. Abdulla Garayev has organized a scientific-practical online conference of young scientists "Physiology of the XXI century" dedicated to the 110th anniversary of academician Abdulla Garayev.

The event, which took place on the Zoom platform, was attended by members of DBMS, representatives of relevant research institutes, including Institute of Physiology of ANAS, as well as Baku State University (BSU), Azerbaijan Medical University (AMU) and other institutions, scientists and specialists.

Opening the meeting, vice-president of ANAS, chairman of the Scientific Council of DBMS academician Irada Huseynova spoke about the work of academician A.Garayev, noting that his life is an example for young scientists and specialists and wished success to the conference.

Later, young scientists and researchers presented their scientific lectures at the online conference. The winners of the competition organized within the event were also announced.


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