NEWS Archive 3286 Çap et
20.12.2018 / Important events An agreement on mutual cooperation was signed between the Institute of Physiology and Astrakhn State University

     The meeting of Ulduz Hashimova, Sc.D., Director of the Institute of Physiology n.a. academician Abdulla Garayev of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences with Elena Kondratenko, Sc.D., Dean of the Biological Faculty of Astrakhan State University took place on 20 December, 2018. The prospects for cooperation in the field of education and science between institutions were discussed, namely, joint research activities in relevant areas, development and implementation of joint educational programs, organization and holding of joint conferences, forums, symposia, etc. The dean of the Astrakhan University also met with leading researchers of the institute and got acquainted with the research conducted there. The meeting resulted in the signing of an agreement on mutual cooperation.


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