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27.01.2021 / New publications Academician Ramiz Mehdiyev book was published in Russia

The book “Nadir şahın şəxsi həkiminin məktubları – hakimiyyətinin son dövrünə və qətlinin təfərrüatlarına dair qiymətli mənbə kimi” by the President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev, published by the Azerbaijan State Translation Center in 2020, was translated into Russian and published in Moscow.

Head of the Secretariat of the President of ANAS, Doctor of Philosophy in Political Sciences, Associate Professor Eldar Amirov during the interview to Elm TV, he said that the most subtle details about Nadir Shah's camp, lifestyle and treasures were reflected in the letters of Nadir Shah's personal physician, Louis Bazin of French origin.

Can watch more in the interview prepared by Elm TV.


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