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29.03.2021 / Important events Academician Rasim Alguliyev: "The strategic strength of the world's states is assessed by their scientific potential"

Vice-president of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technologies, academician Rasim Alguliyev spoke at the online scientific seminar dedicated to the Science Day of the institute.

The academician noted that science and innovation, science and education, as well as the integration of science with other fields have been observed in recent years in line with the processes taking place in world science and modern challenges. He said that the strategic strength of the world's countries is currently assessed by their scientific and intellectual potential, and the leading countries have gained a reputation with their prominent scientists, research institutes and innovation centers.

R. Alguliyev said that the basis of the state policy of our country is the expansion of the application of high technologies and the organization of innovative activities in all spheres of society...

"Science means accelerating integration into the global world, educating intelligent people," he said, noting that the activity of young people, especially in the field of science, promises a great and bright future for Azerbaijan.


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