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25.09.2019 / Conferences, sessions Delegation of the institute of Physiology participated in the International Congress

On September 23-25, 2019 IV International Congress of Ivane Beritashvili Georgian Physiological Society was held in Tbilisi, Georgia. It took place as a part of the annual Festival of Science and Innovations, organized by the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia. The event was attended by the specialists from various foreign countries as Sweden, Austria, Portugal, Bulgaria, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine etc.

The delegation of the Institute of Physiology of the ANAS, headed by Professor U.F. Hashimova, Director of the Institute, Chair of the Azerbaijan Society of Physiologists and Honorary Member of the Georgian Physiological Society, also participated in the Congress. It included: A.A. Mehdiyev, Sc.D. – Head of "Molecular basis of integrative activity" laboratory; Sh.B. Huseynov, Ph.D. – Senior Researcher of the same laboratory; Kh.Yu. Ismayilova, Sc.D. - Principal Researcher of "Ecotoxicology" laboratory; Associate Professor Z.M. Gadimova, Ph.D. – Leading Researcher of "Physiology of Longevity" laboratory and dissertationist of the Institute – M.B. Sultanov. It should be noted, that all members of the delegation made their reports in English, three of which were presented at the plenary session.

Prof. Hashimova being a co-chair of the plenary session, made a presentation about the findings of the research programme on the study of the populations with high index of longevity, inhabiting in Azerbaijan. The presentation was well received by the representatives of the other countries. In particular, Austrian scientist – Professor Ursula Windberger and Georgian researcher – Professor Marina Nikalaishvili expressed their willingness to cooperate in that direction.

At the end of the event, Prof. David Nadareishvili, Director of the Center of Experimental Biomedicine, was awarded the certificate of honorary membership in the Azerbaijan Society of Physiologists.


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