NEWS Archive 2490 Çap et
02.10.2019 / Conferences, sessions Institute's researchers took part in a training seminar on fire protection methods

Today, a group of researchers of the Institute of Physiology took part in a training seminar on "Fire protection methods and tasks of enterprises and organizations for their implementation", held at the Central Scientific Library and organized by the Second Special Department of the ANAS Presidium.

The event was attended by Nizami Farajov, chief specialist of the propaganda department of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergencies, Jamal Zamanov, Colonel, deputy head of the 2nd territorial state fire department of the Ministry of Emergencies, Vurgun Yusifli, Major, an employee of the same organization, as well as deputy directors for general affairs of research institutions and ANAS organizations, heads of civil defense headquarters and members of fire departments.

During the training, participants were provided information on the development of evacuation plans and the rules of conduct in emergency situations.


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