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09.01.2020 / Conferences, sessions Meeting of the Presidium of ANAS made a number of vital decisions

On January 9, the regular meeting of the Presidium of ANAS was held.

Opening the meeting, ANAS President Academician Ramiz Mehdiyev said that recently, reforms in his organization have begun, covering a number of important scientific and scientific-organizational areas. The main strategic goal of the reforms is to develop Azerbaijani science at the level of modern standards in accordance with state policy pursued by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and aimed at the socio-economic development of the country.

Academician Ramiz Mehdiyev noted that the approval of the “ANAS Development Program for 2020–2025” at the ANAS General Meeting held on December 28, 2019, the introduction of a number of changes and amendments to the ANAS Charter, the determination of the new composition of the ANAS Presidium are an important component of reforms in this area.

Stressing that the reforms in the field of scientific activity will continue in the future, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev noted that the main issues put on the agenda of the Presidium today are the implementation of decisions adopted within the framework of the ANAS General Meeting. He said that the Academy faces important tasks to improve the structure of the Academy, identify modern scientific priorities, expand international relations, implement policies pursued by the state, and increase the role of science in the development of the non-oil sector.

Then, ANAS academician-secretary, corresponding member Aminaga Sadigov spoke in connection with the “Distribution of duties among members of the ANAS Presidium” and noted that at the meeting of ANAS on December 28, 2019, a new composition of the Presidium consisting of 11 people was approved. In this regard, it became necessary to determine the distribution of new responsibilities among members of the Presidium of ANAS and make appropriate decisions.

Academician of ANAS Aminagha Sadigov acquainted the participants with the draft distribution of responsibilities between members of the Presidium. After discussion, the draft was adopted taking into account the comments and suggestions put forward by the members of the Bureau.

The academician-secretary brought to the attention of those present the second question on the agenda of the meeting - the draft resolution “On the structure of the apparatus of the Presidium of ANAS”. According to him, to improve the structure and management system of the Bureau of the Presidium, as well as work on the selection and placement of personnel, a Commission was created by order of the President of ANAS on November 21, 2019, and the prepared proposals were presented to Academician Ramiz Mehdiyev. Based on the proposals, a draft of a new structure for the Bureau of the Presidium was developed.

Aminagha Sadigov introduced the project to those present. After discussion, an appropriate decision was made.

Later on, corresponding member of ANAS Aminagha Sadigovprovided information about the next issue on the agenda of the meeting - “On the new composition of the editorial board of the 3rd edition of the Red Book of the Republic of Azerbaijan”. He said that by the decision of the Presidium of ANAS of October 16, 2019, the composition of the editorial board of the third edition of the "Red Book of the Azerbaijan Republic" was approved. Given the changes in the composition of the Presidium over the past period, there was also a need to update the composition of the editorial board. The new composition was adopted after discussion.

At the meeting, it was decided to celebrate the 110th anniversary of the outstanding scientist, Honored Scientist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Abdullah Garayev and to prepare an action plan for the anniversary. In addition, appropriate decisions were made to award Academician Abel Maharramov with the Honorary Diploma of ANAS on the occasion of the 70th anniversary and corresponding member of ANAS Tehran Mustafayev on the occasion of the 60th anniversary.

At the event, it was decided to send a number of ANAS employees to foreign research centers and universities for scientific internships and training.

In conclusion, a number of personnel issues were considered. Academician Javad Abdinov was appointed deputy director for science at the Institute of Physics of ANAS, Doctor of physical sciences Ayaz Bayramov - deputy director for innovation and transfer of the same institute, PhD in physics Zaur Suleymanov - scientific secretary of the institute, Doctor of mathematical sciences Adalat Akhundov - deputy director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS , PhD in Physics Yusif Shukurlu -Director of the Sheki Regional Scientific Center of ANAS.

By another decision, Elman Yusifov, PhD in Physics, was dismissed from the post of director of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS. Execution of this post was temporarily entrusted to the deputy director for science Doctor of Biological sciences Elshad Ahmadov, Bayram Babayev was also relieved of his post as head of the Academic campus. PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Parviz Hasanov was appointed head of the Academic campus.


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