NEWS Archive 2269 Çap et
13.01.2020 / Meetings ANAS discussed innovative projects of strategic importance

President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev met with a group of scientists and specialists from the High Technology Park (HT Park) of ANAS.

Noting that in the organization he leads, particular importance is attached to conducting research of an innovative orientation and applied scientific research, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev spoke about the activities that are carried out in this field and promising tasks. Stressing the special importance of new scientific and applied areas for the preparation and implementation of defense and civilian projects of strategic importance for our republic, ANAS head noted that at the upcoming stage it is necessary to accelerate research and design work and further expand relations with relevant government bodies, business subjects and research institutions.

Then, Director of HT Park, Doctor of Technical Sciences Elton Mammadov spoke about the state of affairs in the field of fulfilling these instructions, as well as upcoming tasks and promising projects aimed at improving the effectiveness of the work envisaged.

After showing the videos reflecting the projects they led, Samir Suleymanov, Farid Ahmadov, Yashar Huseynaliyev and other employees of HT Park spoke in detail about such areas as patenting, certification, technological solution processes, market entry, etc.

First vice-presidents of ANAS - academicians Isa Habibbayli and Ibrahim Guliyev, vice-presidents - academics Dilgam Taghiyev and Rasim Aliguliyev, academician-secretary of ANAS corresponding member of the Academy Aminagha Sadigov took part in the discussions. They talked about expanding the areas that cover assignments for innovative projects, and shared their thoughts on this issue.

In conclusion, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev gave relevant recommendations and instructions aimed at timely and high-quality implementation of the upcoming tasks for even more efficient organization of the activities of HT Park, as well as the implementation of innovative projects under the ANAS brand. The academician emphasized that the work carried out in this institution should be brought into line with scientific and technical activities and the construction processes carried out in the country at the state level.


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