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15.01.2020 / New publications Academician Ramiz Mehdiyev’s book dubbed“Leader Adapting the Development of Azerbaijan to the Challenges of the 21st Century” published

President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev’s book dubbed “Leader Adapting the Development of Azerbaijan to the Challenges of the 21st Century” was published.

The materials that have found their place in the book are the result of the observations of academician Ramiz Mehdiyev, made by him over 16 years of work as head of the Presidential Administration of Ilham Aliyev.

The book begins with the following words: “For me, regarding the history of the development of modern Azerbaijan, there are no open questions. Becoming witnesses of extraordinary transformations, those who have to participate in solving urgent problems of the country get the opportunity to see the most significant personally and in real time to evaluate its true scale. And then, involuntarily, the conviction comes that the talent of creation inherent in a person is unique in its essence by chance. ” The work is the first chapter of a book about President Ilham Aliyev, who succeeded the great political and statesman Heydar Aliyev as head of state and skillfully rules the country.

Noting that the challenges faced by Azerbaijan in the context of the activation of globalization at the beginning of the new millennium are the realities of the beginning of the 21st century, the solution of the complex tasks facing the state at a new stage of its development, the implementation of large-scale plans related to the development of Azerbaijan, the continuation of political and social -the economic course of the national leader Heydar Aliyev - all this required and requires special abilities from Ilham Aliyev, the academician analyzes the essence of a new stage in the development of Azerbaijan, which began in October 2003: "President Ilham Aliyev began to implement a public administration system aimed at the general modernization of the country, based on innovative technologies."

Stressing that with the advent of Ilham Aliyev, a qualitatively new stage in the life of Azerbaijan has come, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev adds that, having assumed his duties, President Ilham Aliyev with his first decrees “On measures to accelerate social and economic development in the Republic of Azerbaijan” ( November 2003), “On Approving the State Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Regions of the Azerbaijan Republic (2004-2008)” (February 2004) set the pace for the country's socio-economic development.

The book notes that thanks to a well-thought-out economic policy, Azerbaijan has made great progress in its development, significantly reducing its dependence on oil, “the model of an“ oil-dependent state ”has remained in the past, serious success has been achieved in diversifying the economy; the state provides serious assistance to entrepreneurship and the agro-industrial complex, over the years, fiscal policy has proved to be the most important factor in economic growth, Azerbaijan has reached self-sufficiency in most types of food products, the country has a strong army and pursues an independent foreign policy, ensures socio-political stability and executive discipline, increased responsibility of citizens in each area, and all this forms the basis of reforms that are carried out camping at the state level, and demonstrates the power of the Azerbaijani state.

The academician writes that the activities of President Ilham Aliyev, who determined the reform strategy in all spheres of life in the republic, were highly appreciated in the media not only within the country, but also abroad. In an interview with the Turkish NTV television channel, the special representative of the US Secretary of State for Conflicts in the Eurasian Region and Caspian Issues, Stephen Mann, praised the activities of the President of Azerbaijan. Noting that Ilham Aliyev is a real politician, S. Mann also emphasized that the Azerbaijani people represented by Ilham Aliyev have a very good president. “I believe that political reforms in the country will continue, oil revenues will be directed to improving the living standards of ordinary citizens,” he said.

In addition, the book refers to an article by Svante Cornell, director of the Central Asian and Caucasus Institute under the Council on American Foreign Policy, and the author of the book “Azerbaijan After Gaining Independence,” published in The American Interest, in which he analyzes the reforms carried out by President Ilham Aliyev , their influence on development in the region: “According to S. Cornell, the current reforms in the country are timely. The current reforms are timed to fall in oil prices in 2015, although reforms have been carried out in Azerbaijan before. For example, in 1999, the State Oil Fund was created according to the Norwegian model. In 2012, ASAN service was launched in Azerbaijan, due to which contacts between citizens and government officials were limited and corruption was eliminated. ”

The book also contains the opinions of Robert Goffy and Gareth Jones, authors of the article “How to Become a Recognized Leader,” published in the leading global business magazine Harvard Business Review (September 2000 issue). They write: “Intuition is an indispensable quality of a political leader. They say about such people that they “feel the situation” well. They instinctively pick up the signals emanating from the environment, and can foresee what is happening, although no one explained to them all the details. He guesses the meaning of the slightest hints and tracks the imperceptible changes in moods in society, escaping the eyes of less observant people ... All outstanding personalities are people with heightened intuition. "

The section of the book entitled “Post-oil period reforms” describes how skillfully managing the economy in the post-oil period, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev led the country on a new path of development, eliminating the short-term crisis in the economy of Azerbaijan that occurred in 2016 under the influence external factors and recession of the main trading partners, stabilization of the crisis in 2017 and economic growth that began in 2018. At the same time, it speaks about the main directions of important decisions adopted by President Ilham Aliyev in a short period.

The materials, which were reflected in the book, which was published in the publishing house "Elm" ("Science") of ANAS and consisting of 168 pages, are presented in Azerbaijani and Russian languages.


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