NEWS Archive 2360 Çap et
03.02.2020 / Meetings Awareness-raising event related to the situation with the coronavirus was held at the Institute of Physiology

It was reported that the recent outbreak of the CoV 2019 coronavirus epidemic in Wuhan, China, claimed more than a thousand lives. In order to raise awareness and increase advocacy for the fight against coronovirus, the Trade Union Committee of the Institute of Physiology named after academician Abdulla Garaev of ANAS organized an awareness-raising event. The opening speech was made by the Deputy Director for Science of the Institute of Physiology, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics - Ahmed Hajiyev, who said that on behalf of the President, educational activities on methods to combat coronavirus were launched in scientific institutions and organizations of the Academy of Sciences.

Later, the representative of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology - Konul Jafarova - provided some information about the coronavirus and how to protect ourselves from it. She said that due to the fact that this virus is easily transmitted from person to person, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of cases of human infections. Konul Jafarova added that people with weak immunity are most prone to infection. She noted that if anyone notices symptoms such as headache, fever, cough, sneezing, loss of appetite and any gastrointestinal upsets, he/she should consult a doctor immediately. She emphasized the importance of washing hands or cleansing them with alcohol, boosting immunity, and taking vitamin C as a preventative measure.

Then, answers were given to scientists' questions about the coronavirus and suggestions were made.


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