NEWS Archive 2569 Çap et
28.02.2020 / Meetings Minister of Agriculture Inam Karimov visits Lankaran Regional Scientific Center

Minister of Agriculture Inam Karimov, director of the Center for Agrarian Science and Innovation Imran Jumshudov, director of the Research Institute for Fruit and Tea Growing Ilham Gurbanov and head of Executive Power of Lankaran Taleh Garashov examined the experimental base of the Lankaran Regional Scientific Center (LRSC).

Director of LRSC Professor Farman Guliyev told the guests about the results of a study conducted jointly with the Lankaranchay Branch of the Research Institute for Fruit and Tea Growing of the Ministry of Agriculture.

He noted that over the past period, four new productive varieties of tea were created and zoned, and two citrus varieties were submitted for state inspection of varieties. He noted that research on other citrus varieties was continued, and practical measures were taken to increase the number of newly created varieties and their introduction into production.

Minister Inam Karimov and the guests were acquainted with a simple fumigation device developed by the center, including a seedling tea plantation planted last year. Professor Farman Guliyev put forward his proposals for the development of new productive varieties of tea and citrus fruits.

Islam Karimov said that more modern fumigation equipment will be installed here, which will assist expand the citrus gene pool.

Then, director of the Center for Agricultural Science and Innovation Imran Jumshudov and director of the Research Institute for Fruit and Tea Growing Ilham Gurbanov visited the main building of the LRSC and were familiar with the exhibition representing the gene pool of citrus plants.

Note that, in a meeting with the Minister of Agriculture Inam Karimov in ANAS on January 30 this year, discussions were held on expanding cooperation between the academy and agricultural organizations, applying the results achieved in production.


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