NEWS Archive 2625 Çap et
24.04.2020 / New publications Institute of Physiology prepared a video stating "Stay home"

aimed at preventing the spread of coronavirus infection. The next step in this direction was a social video shot with the participation of the institute staff and calling for compliance with the rules of the special quarantine regime to increase the effectiveness of measures taken in the fight against coronavirus.

“The necessary measures taken by the state in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, including the introduction of a special quarantine regime to prevent the spread of infection in the country, today pose new challenges for each of us. The fulfillment of these tasks with all severity and responsibility determines the effectiveness of those measures that are being taken by the state.” These thoughts were voiced in the video by the Director of the Institute of Physiology, Doctor of Biological Sciences Ulduz Hashimova.

Employees of the institute joined the project “Stay home” calling for social responsibility. Employees urge people to “stay home” and thereby protect themselves, their family members and loved ones.


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