NEWS Archive 2421 Çap et
04.05.2020 / Conferences, sessions Discussed the active participation of scientists in international projects

Office of External Relations of the ANAS Presidium staff held a five-hour online meeting with the departments of external relations of ANAS scientific institutions and persons responsible for this area.

Esmira Alirzayeva, Office Head, PhD in Biology, spoke in detail about bilateral competitions of projects announced by ANAS together with scientific organizations from around the world, the current status of the Horizon 2020 project, recent achievements and existing problems, and encouraged colleagues to participate more actively in international projects and programs.

Head of the Project Management Department, PhD in Political Sciences Ruslan Gasimov and Deputy Head of the Department Ayten Huseynova voiced their suggestions on strengthening joint activities with scientific institutions of ANAS and expanding opportunities for academy scientists to participate in international scientific programs. Deputy Head of the Department of External Cooperation Orkhan Mammadov spoke about the rules of cooperation documents signed between organizations and the requirements for them. The chief specialists of the department, Malahat Gurbanova and Yegana Aliyeva have presented monitoring mechanisms to increase the effectiveness of existing links with scientific structures of various countries.

Representatives of ANAS scientific institutions responsible for external relations addressed the meeting: Dunyamali Mammadov from the Institute of Physics, Tofig Babayev from the Institute of Control Systems, Eldar Abbasov from the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Babek Nabiyev from the Institute of Information Technology, Sevinj Huseynova from the Institute of Biophysics and many others. They spoke about the achievements made in the institutions they represent in the relevant field, international programs and projects in which they took part, areas of cooperation, existing difficulties, and put forward their proposals for achieving even greater success in the field of international cooperation.

During the meeting, an agreement was reached on conducting webinars and trainings on the preparation of projects in accordance with international standards, as well as the exchange of experience.


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