NEWS Archive 2118 Çap et
12.05.2020 / Important events ANAS President spoke about the challenges facing Azerbaijani science in the post-pandemic period

Recently, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences  has been discussing the challenges facing domestic science in the post-pandemic period. Today, President of ANAS academician Ramiz Mehdiyev made a statement on the activities that he plans to implement in his organization in connection with the challenges facing Azerbaijani science in the post-pandemic period.

Academician Ramiz Mehdiyev said that the activities of the relevant scientific institutions of ANAS should be built in accordance with the policies pursued by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev in this area.

Division of Biological and Medical Sciences was instructed to create additional conditions for scientists and specialists to conduct research in connection with the coronavirus, especially in the field of strengthening the immune system of the population.

The institutes of Philosophy and Economics should thoroughly study the socio-psychological and economic problems created by the pandemic, prepare and submit to the ANAS Presidium scientifically substantiated proposals related to the post-pandemic period.

The institutes of Geography, Physiology, Botany, Genetic Resources, Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Microbiology and Dendrology were entrusted with a month to study the complications caused by the global climate changes, prepare an action plan to predict the area of influence of these changes and implement proactive measures and submit it to the ANAS Presidium .

Note that the Action Plan in connection with the tasks of Azerbaijani science in the post-pandemic period will be submitted for discussion at the next meeting of the ANAS Presidium.


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