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17.06.2020 / New publications Discussions were held on the publishing preparation of the monograph "Irevan- as it is"

The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences of ANAS was held on June 17 in the Electronic Assembly Hall of the Institute of Literature.

The event was attended by the first vice-president of ANAS, chairman of the Scientific Council, academician Isa Habibbayli, members of the council, heads of research institutions and relevant persons.

Academician Isa Habibbayli opened the meeting and informed the participants about the agenda of the event. The first issue discussed at the meeting was the preparation of the monograph "Irevan - as it is" in response to the call of President Ilham Aliyev.

Speaking on the subject, academician I.Habibbayli recalled that during the President's visit to Tartar region, he touched upon the decisions taken by the Azerbaijan People Republic, the transfer of Irevan to Armenia, as well as the falsification of toponyms of Turkish origin. Academician Isa Habibbayli noted that a number of researches have already been carried out at ANAS in order to ensure the implementation of the issues arising from the speech of President Ilham Aliyev, all of these researches have been reflected in the books; “Irevan city - as it is”, “Western Azerbaijan as it is”, “Mountanious Karabakh – as it is.

Presenting the draft book, the scientist noted that at the initial stage, it is intended to prepare monograph “Irevan city – as it is” containing from following chapters; "The origin of the word Iravan and the history of the city of Iravan", "Iravan city in ancient and medieval times", "The main village of Iravan khanate", "Iravan city under Tsarist Russia", "Iravan city In the XX-XXI centuries” and “Azerbaijani culture and education in Irevan”.

Then, opinions and suggestions were voiced, and the tasks of the institutes of History, Caucasus Studies, Literature, Linguistics, Folklore, Architecture and Art, Archeology and Ethnography, Geography, Economics, as well as the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan Division of ANAS, Nakhchivan State University, Azerbaijan University of Languages, which will join in publication, have been defined.


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