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19.09.2017 / Important events The Azerbaijan Society of Gerontologists was admitted in International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics

     Traditionally, Azerbaijan is a republic where longevity was represented as a population phenomenon. This impression was formed both on the basis of official statistical information, and on the basis of reports that often appear in the media. Currently, the study of genetic and physiological mechanisms of longevity is one of the priority research areas of A.I. Garayev Institute of Physiology of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS).

     Another organization whose activities are related to issues of longevity in our republic is the Azerbaijan Society of Gerontologists, one of the founders and president of which is Ulduz Hashimova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, director of A.I. Garayev Institute of Physiology of ANAS. From the very moment of its opening, the society has set such tasks as sustainable improvement of the quality of life of the older age groups among the population through holding events that attract support and assistance from representatives of central and regional public authorities, non-profit organizations, scientists and specialists; conducting educational programs in the field of social gerontology; rendering scientific and methodological assistance in teaching the fundamentals of modern gerontology in higher and secondary schools; establishment and maintenance of contacts with the leading scientific gerontological centers of the world, etc.

     One of the last major achievements of the society was its admitting in International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG), the largest organization engaged in relevant sections of science. The election of the Azerbaijan Society of Gerontologists as a member of IAGG was approved by a unanimous vote at the 21st International Congress on Gerontology and Geriatrics in San Francisco on July 23-27, 2017. The official confirmation of this fact was received from the headquarters of IAGG on September 19, 2017. It should be noted that the emergence of the Azerbaijan Society of Gerontologists as a part of IAGG opens great prospects and opportunities for international cooperation and attracting the interest of the world scientific community to conduct the joint research projects to study the phenomenon of longevity.


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