NEWS Archive 3756 Çap et
13.12.2018 / Important events The report of the Institute of Physiology on the scientific and scientific-organizational activity

     On December 13, 2018, at the Institute of Physiology, with the participation of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences (DBMS), a reporting meeting was held on the results of the scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the Institute for 2018. Zeynal Akperov, corresponding member of the ANAS, deputy academician-secretary of the DBMS, director of the Institute of Genetic Resources and Afig Mammadov, Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences, scientific secretary of the DBMS took part in it.

     Ulduz Hashimova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, director of the Institute gave detailed information on the research conducted at the institute and the results obtained this year, on the implementation of state programs, namely, 29 research projects and 53 stages on 12 topics related to the main scientific problems of the institute.

     The director also noted the publication of the XXXVI volume of the "Proceedings of Institute of Physiology n.a. academician Abdulla Garayev and Azerbaijan Society of Physiologists, Problems of Physiology and Biochemistry", 3 books, 81 articles and 37 abstracts (generally 118 scientific works), of which 36 articles and 23 abstracts were published abroad, and 15 articles - in impact factor journals. The report highlighted the organizational work on the expansion of international relations of the institute, the participation of staff of the institute in international forums, international events like Naftalan-2018 and Cellular Technologies - Technologies of the Future, as well as the business visit of Professor Marvin Formosa, director of the United Nations Institute for Aging in Malta. Special attention was also paid to the new and ongoing in 2018, the 11 grant projects and the creation of the branch of the Chair of Human and Animal Physiology, Baku State University, on the basis of the Institute. Ulduz Hashimova reported that at the present time, 4 dissertationists and 5 doctoral students for Sc.D. degree, 9 dissertationists and 2 doctoral students for Ph.D. degree, 4 Master-students being educated at the institute, as well as the results of the work of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists.

     At the end of the reports a discussion took place, the proposals were heard and the Institute's annual report for 2018 was adopted.


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