NEWS Archive 3654 Çap et
25.12.2018 / Expedition news Researchers of the Institute of Physiology visited the Science Center in St. Petersburg

     In the framework of the international project “Expression of signaling molecules in the buccal epithelium: new approaches to the development of a panel of markers for assessing the stability of homeostasis and optimizing the diagnosis and prediction of socially significant human diseases”, from December 16 to 24, Khatira Safikhanova and Irana Galandarli, researchers of the Institute of Physiology visited the Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology named after D.O. Otta of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg).

     The aim of the trip was the development of unique methods of immunocytochemical analysis for use in developing methods for non-invasive diagnosis of neurodegenerative, coronary and cancer diseases. Researchers of the Institute were also acquainted with the work in the field of cell biology and pathology, conducted in the old Russian research institute.

     The studies planned within the Azerbaijani-Russian project will also be carried out in samples of practically healthy individuals of different ages, including long-livers of Azerbaijan, and those whose professional activities are associated with a high risk of developing socially significant diseases and premature aging (air traffic controllers and pilots).

     It should be noted that the project, carried out in cooperation with the Azerbaijan Medical University and the National Aviation Academy, was supported by a grant from the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


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