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30.09.2020 / Conferences, sessions The next meeting of the Presidium of ANAS was held

A regular meeting of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) was held on September 29.

The event was attended by the president of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev, members of the Presidium - first vice-presidents of ANAS, academicians Isa Habibbayli and Ibrahim Guliyev, vice-presidents of ANAS, academicians Tofik Nagiyev, Dilgam Tagiyev, Irada Huseynova, Rasim Alguliyev, academic secretary, corresponding member of ANAS Aminaga Sadigov, acting members of the Presidium - academicians Jamil Aliyev and Govkhar Bakhshaliyeva.

Opening the event, the president of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev said that since the morning of September 27, as a result of the provocation of the Armenian armed forces, intensive fire has been firing at Azerbaijani villages along the front line, as well as at the positions of our army. He noted that in response to this provocation, the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan, by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, launched a large-scale counteroffensive against Armenia. Because of crushing blows, the enemy lost a large number of troops and equipment, seven of our villages, as well as strategically important heights were cleared of the Armenian invaders.

Academician Ramiz Mehdiyev said that at the meeting of the Security Council on September 27, President Ilham Aliyev justly called the achievements of our army a serious military victory and congratulated our people. He stressed that this brilliant victory is undoubtedly the result of the decisive policy pursued by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev. He also said that during his speech at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, as well as during a meeting with the leaders of many leading countries, President Ilham Aliyev spoke about the aggressive policy of Armenia, which is a serious threat to regional peace and security, including the just struggle of Azerbaijan.

Academician Ramiz Mehdiyev said that today the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan are the most powerful army in the region and our servicemen are able to restore the territorial integrity of our country in a short time, give an answer to the aggressors, adding that our people fully support the just struggle of our President, state and army.

The President of ANAS also noted that the Cabinet of Ministers made an appropriate decision on the organization of shift work in state institutions "In connection with the declared martial law on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan" and the Academy will take measures in this direction.

Then academician Ramiz Mehdiyev informed the participants about the agenda of the meeting.

Academician-secretary of ANAS, corresponding member of the Academy Aminaga Sadigov said that the first issue to be discussed is the results of the audit of ANAS "Park of Science and Technology" LLC.

Speaking on this occasion, the head of the Internal Control and Audit Department of the Presidium of ANAS Vidadi Bakhshaliyev said that in connection with the fulfillment of tasks on the items provided for by the Resolution of the Presidium of ANAS "On the current state and problems of the ANAS High Technologies Park" dated May 15, 2020, a group of officials persons of the Presidium of ANAS carried out an inspection in the HT Park of ANAS, but it turned out that for some reason the relevant points of the Resolution were not fulfilled. It was brought to attention that the main reason for this is the failure to properly fulfill the obligations of Park Science and Technology LLC and other residents (Azeltech LLC, DN Technologies LLC), which are residents of HT Park since September 19, 2017. Vidadi Bakhshaliyev said that in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Resolution, including on the basis of the trilateral Pledge Agreement dated May 17, 2017, ANAS High Technology Park LLC, as well as Science and Technology Park LLC, according to the concluded residence agreement for the implementation of activities at the HTP of ANAS, certain instructions were given, but these tasks were partially completed by the LLC.

The head of the department also noted that on behalf of the former head of the ANAS Department of Affairs for the implementation of the project, DN Technologies LLC, which received the status of a resident of ANAS HT Park on November 6, 2017, a Partnership was signed between ANAS High Technologies Park LLC and DN Technologies LLC, dated April 19, 2018.

During the inspections, it was also established that another resident of the ANAS HT Park, Azeltech LLC and DN Technologies LLC, have so far implemented all their projects under the name of Science and Technology Park LLC, and all the contracts concluded are in the name of Park science and technology ". This proves once again that Park Science and Technology LLC continued to carry out its “targeted” activities through such resident legal entities.

Vidadi Bakhshaliyev said that violations were revealed during the inspection of Park Science and Technology LLC by the Internal Control and Audit Department of the Presidium of ANAS on the basis of the order of the President of ANAS dated July 29, 2020. Thus, during the audit, it was found that in the course of the activities of Park Science and Technology LLC, serious violations were committed when concluding a number of contracts and their execution.

Vice-President of ANAS academician Rasim Alguliyev, Head of the ANAS Department of Affairs Professor Elton Mammadov, Head of the Department of Law and Human Resources Ph.D in Law Rasim Agasiyev, Director of ANAS High Technologies Park LLC Vasif Abbasov, Director of Science and Technology Park LLC Javid Shahmuradov, Director of DN Technologies LLC Jeyhun Nabadov and Chief Engineer of the Institute of Radiation Problems Samir Suleymanov expressed their opinions and suggestions.

Considering the aforementioned problems, the Presidium of ANAS made a number of decisions on the activities of Park of Science and Technology LLC.

Then, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev noted that a number of serious successful studies had been carried out in scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS and important scientific results had been obtained. He noted that it is necessary to conduct consistent work on the recognition of these scientific results in our society and at the international level. In addition, the academician stressed the importance of organizing their scientific activities by our scientists on the basis of sound, responsible and business principles and contributing to the implementation of the decisions of the Presidium of ANAS.

In conclusion, a number of current issues were scheduled.


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