NEWS Archive 2022 Çap et
02.10.2020 / Conferences, sessions The participants of the online conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of academician Abdulla Garayeva were awarded

Today, the speakers of the scientific and practical online conference of young scientists - "PHYSIOLOGY OF THE XXI CENTURY", dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of academician Abdulla Garayev, were awarded certificates.

The event was opened by Professor Ahmad Hajiyev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs of the Institute. Emphasizing the fact that academician Abdulla Garayev was the founder of the school of physiology in Azerbaijan, Professor noted that the first independent academic institution conducting fundamental research in the field of human and animal physiology in the Republic was the Department of Physiology, created on his initiative at the Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR. Subsequently, on the basis of this institution, which received the status of a sector under the Presidium, the Institute of Physiology was created in 1968. It was noted that today the Institute of Physiology, which has been named after academician Abdulla Garayev, develops the ideas put forward during academician’s short leadership, coordinates the physiological studies carried out in the Republic, and contributes to the capacity building of young specialists.

The competition, organized within the framework of the conference, was held among the young scientists from the Institute of Physiology of ANAS, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku State University and a number of other organizations. According to the results of the competition, Shovgi Huseynov (I place), Ph.D. in Biology, Senior Researcher of the Institute of Physiology, Aygun Jafarova (II place), Assistant of the Department of "Normal Physiology" at Azerbaijan Medical University, Konul Hasanova ( III place), doctoral student of the Department of "Human and Animal Physiology" at Baku State University, Murad Sultanov (III place), doctoral student of the Institute of Physiology and other speakers were rewarded with certificates.


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