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26.10.2020 / New publications An article by academician Ramiz Mehdiyev about the realities of Karabakh was published on the official website of the well-known “Al-Mayadin” TV channel in Lebanon, one of the centers of world Armenians

On October 25, 2020, an article by the President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev, "Karabakh realities - to the attention of foreign readers" was published on the official website of the famous Lebanese TV channel "Al-Mayadin".

In the article, the author analyzes all periods of the history of Karabakh in chronological order. After the introductory part devoted to the rich archeology of Karabakh, the academician dwelled on the history of the region during the period of Caucasian Albania and the Arab Caliphate, and also expressed his attitude to fictitious Armenian claims based on the research of famous foreign and Azerbaijani scientists. Focusing on the problem of misappropriation of the ancient Albanian heritage and presenting it to the whole world as a part of Armenian history under the guise of Christianity, the President of ANAS urged Arabic-speaking readers not to succumb to this propaganda.

In another part of the article, Academician Ramiz Mehdiyev touched upon the exceptional role of Shushi, the cultural center of Karabakh, in the history of Azerbaijani culture and science, and also gave information about outstanding personalities who came from this city.

In conclusion, the author calls for an end to the Armenian occupation and claims that Karabakh was a part of Azerbaijan back in Soviet times and was unanimously recognized by the world community as an integral part of Azerbaijan.

Note that the Al-Mayadin TV channel is located in the city of Beirut, Lebanon and is one of the five largest TV channels in the Arab world, along with al-Jazeera, BBC News Arabic, al-Arabiya and Sky News Arabia. The channel has over 500 employees and an extensive network of correspondents around the world. "Al-Mayadin" is broadcasted freely in all Arab countries.

The publication of an article by the President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev, on Karabakh on such an authoritative information resource is of great importance from the point of view of conveying historical realities to the multimillion-dollar Arab world.

Readers can read the text of the article here.