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18.01.2019 / Conferences, sessions January 20 - blood trail of history

On January 18, 2019, an event was held at the Institute of Physiology named after academician Abdulla Garayev of the ANAS, dedicated to the Day of Memory of the tragedy of January 20.

         The event was opened by Prof. Ahmad Hajiyev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Deputy Director for Science.

         After honoring the minute of silence in memory of the dead, Prof. Hajiyev delivered the following speech: “Despite the fact that 29 years have passed since this tragedy, this day has remained in the memory of the people, like the day when the voice of the freedom of people rang out, who lived in captivity of the Soviet empire. This is an honorable date that demonstrated the courage of the people in deciding their sovereignty.” He also noted that this date should be taken as the pinnacle of independence of Azerbaijan, the day of the awakening of the national liberation ideology.

         Further, the following speakers at the event were Afig Gaziyev, Ph.D. in Biology, Head of the “Environmental Factors and the Formation of Analyzers” laboratory, Khanaga Babayev, Ph.D. in Biology, head of the “Pharmacology of Geroprotectants of Natural Origin” laboratory, Sevinj Huseynova, Ph.D. in Biology, Leading Researcher of the “Physiology of Longevity” laboratory and Zenfira Gadimova, Ph.D. in Biology, the chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists.

         The event ended with a demonstration of a documentary film dedicated to the tragedy of January 20.


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