NEWS Archive 3370 Çap et
25.02.2019 / Conferences, sessions The 27th anniversary of the Khojaly genocide has been commemorated in Institute of Physiology

            A meeting devoted to the 27th anniversary of the Khojaly genocide was held at the Institute of Physiology. The meeting was marked by a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the Khojaly tragedy. Ulduz Hashimova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Director of the Institute, spoke about the unimaginable atrocities committed by Armenian fascists in Khojaly on the night of February 25-26, 1992, as well as the death of innocent people. She noted that when conducting research on developing a longevity map, Karabakh was marked as the region with the highest index of longevity. In conclusion, she added that the Armenians occupied not just 20 percent of our land, but took possession of the territory, which is the "eye" of Azerbaijan.

            Later, Professor Ahmad Hajiyev, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Deputy Director for Science, spoke about the genocide of our people in different periods of history, the suffering caused by the Khojaly tragedy and the legal significance attached to this phenomenon.

            A veteran of the Karabakh war, a reserve officer of the special forces unit, who carried out his mission and repeatedly faced the enemy, Eshgin Seyfaddin oglu, referring to the historical facts saturated with the horrors of the tragedy, spoke about the dirty policy of Armenians and said that this genocide committed in Azerbaijan is one of the most terrible crimes in the world.

            Lieutenant-Colonel Elman Huseynov, a veteran of the war in Karabakh, Chairman of the Public Organization for the Support of Compatriots, referring to history, stressed the importance of informing the world community about aggression against the Azerbaijani people for many years and exposing the Armenian lies.

            Speakers, namely Afik Gaziev, Ph.D. in Biology, Head of the "Environmental Factors and Formation of Analyzers" Laboratory, Sevindj Huseynova, Ph.D. in Biology, Leading Researcher of the "Physiology of Longevity" Laboratory, Zemfira Gadimova, Ph.D. in Biology, Leading Researcher of the "Physiology of Longevity" Laboratory, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists, Ali Huseynli, a pupil of school number 182, a young patriot and others in their speeches told about the need for a fair turn to the evaluation of the terrorist attack against the civilian population of Azerbaijan by the international community and expressed the hope that the integrity of Azerbaijan will be restored, and the duty of each is the veneration of the memory of those killed in the battles for the integrity of our lands and the protection of national and spiritual values of our people.

            On May 26, on the occasion of the 27th anniversary of the Khojaly genocide, a group of institute researchers visited the Ana Kharay memorial complex.


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