NEWS Archive 2796 Çap et
12.04.2019 / Important events Institute of Physiology held a scientific seminar

         On April 12, 2019, the Institute of Physiology of the ANAS held a Scientific Seminar of Young Physiologists of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists. Opening the event, Zenfira Kadimova, Ph.D., Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists, Leading Researcher discussed a number of issues related to the annual action plan of the council and then introduced the speaker to the audience. Nigar Teymurova, Junior Researcher of the Ecotoxicology Laboratory, presented a lecture titled “The Effect of Stress and Other Factors on Health and Aging Processes.” The presentation provided information about stress and other factors affecting human health, as well as current issues of aging.

         After the report, an interesting slide was demonstrated on the lifestyle and health of long-livers living in the southern region of Azerbaijan.


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