NEWS Archive 2318 Çap et
27.01.2020 / Conferences, sessions Wikipedia contains important information about Nakhchivan

The next meeting of the Presidium of the Nakhchivan Division of ANAS was held.

The meeting was opened by the chairman of the Division, academician Ismayil Hajiyev.

Then the director of the Institute of Natural Resources corresponding member of ANAS Tofig Aliyev spoke about the work done on clay production at the institution. The scientist said that each type of clay, which changes color due to its mineral composition, has unique features. According to him, this material, widely used in many industries, has significant reserves in the Nakhchivan, Shahbuz, Babak and other fields.

T. Aliyev said that the samples were taken from many fields, their contents have been studied, and further work will be carried out in this direction. According to him, exploitation of clay deposits will have a significant impact on the socio-economic development of Nakhchivan.

The meeting also discussed the activities of the wiki groups of the Nakhchivan Division. Speaking in this regard, Information Department specialist Sakina Jumshudova said that in 2019, Wikipedia posted 228 materials and 8 monographs on archaeological and architectural monuments, ancient settlements, necropolises and fortresses in Nakhchivan, including mosques and shrines. It was noted that 22 of the materials, as well as one of the monographs, are connected with territorial claims and genocide committed by Armenians against our people. Nine scientific articles on outstanding historical figures and ethnography of Nakhchivan were edited, 46 photographs of cultural monuments were posted. According to S. Jumshudova, information posted was read by more than a thousand readers and was quoted in more than 300 scientific databases.

Further, academician I. Hajiyev emphasized the importance of placing in a wiki environment materials related to our country and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic in foreign languages.

Further at the event, partial changes were made to the editorial board of the journal “Scientific Works” of the division, and an appropriate decision was made regarding the publication of the newspaper “Gamigaya”.

In conclusion, a number of current issues were scheduled.


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