"Horizon 2020" proqramı ilə bağlı növbəti məlumatlandırıcı vebinar keçirilib
“Həyat Elmləri və Biotibb Jurnalı”nın yeni sayı nəşr olunub
Koronavirusun daha bir simptomu aşkarlandı
An employee of the Institute of Physiology spoke at an international forum
Statement by the President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev
ANAS President met with the French Ambassador to our country
Ilham Aliyev's victory
ANAS employees were awarded the “Tereggi” medal by the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
The staff of the Institute of Physiology is always ready to defend the Motherland
History of Nagorno-Karabakh