NEWS Archive 2427 Çap et
10.04.2020 / Conferences, sessions The Institute of Physiology continues online classes

It is known that in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) in Azerbaijan, classes in all educational institutions were suspended.

To ensure the educational process for the masters in the prescribed manner and in order to master the subjects taught by them in the prescribed amount, the Institute of Physiology of ANAS continues teaching the educational material in the distance learning system.

Thus, students who study at the institute at the master's level pass online classes via Skype. In addition, topics on relevant subjects are regularly posted on the institute's website, and students are provided with the necessary materials.

Classes are held remotely in accordance with the curriculum of the first year of the second semester of training in a master's degree in the specialty "Human and Animal Physiology". For this purpose, the following people are involved in the distance learning process: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Ahmed Hajiyev, who conducts classes on the “Fundamentals of Free Radical Biology”, Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, Associate Professor Afig Gaziev in “Biological Information Technologies”, Doctor of Philosophy in Biology Khatira Safikhanova on "Physiology of the blood system", as well as Ph.D. in biology, associate professor Mushgyunaz Abbasova on "Physiology of hemostasis."

It should be noted that the process of distance learning is carried out under the supervision of the leadership of the institute and the education department.

Attendance and assessment are carried out both in online classes and lectures.


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