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03.07.2020 / Conferences, sessions "Muhammad Hadi's art ideals and the modern era" online scientific conference held

On July 3, Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS organized an online scientific conference on "Muhammad Hadi's art ideals and modern era" dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the outstanding representative of Azerbaijani literature Muhammad Hadi.

Opening the conference, first vice-president of ANAS, director of the Institute of Literature academician Isa Habibbayli said the event was organized in accordance with the Presidential Decree "On the celebration of the 140th anniversary of Muhammad Hadi" dated December 5, 2019.

Academician Isa Habibbayli said that the thinker and poet M. Hadi was one of the main figures of Azerbaijani romanticism and spoke about the position of his poem "Alvahi Renaissance" in our literature. He said that Hadi's legacy was first studied by Aziz Mirahmadov and published in 1978. Although two volumes of the author's works were prepared, only the first volume was published at that time.

The first vice-president noted that both volumes of the two-volume book were prepared for publication in the department headed by Professor Islam Garibli and included in the plan of the academy's "Elm" publishing house. He said that one issue of Ulduz journal was dedicated to Muhammad Hadi by the Writers' Union of Azerbaijan in accordance with the action plan issued by the President.

Then, the head of the New Age Literature Department of the Institute of Literature, Professor Islam Garibli presented a lecture entitled "Muhammad Hadi: poet, translator, publicist." Providing information about the publications prepared by his department, he said that 246 original poems, 4 poems and 27 poetic translations of M. Hadi were known.

At the video conference, Doctor of Philology Abid Tahirli delivered a lecture on "M.Hadi's poetry - the eternal torch of independence", PhD in Culturology, Associate Professor Namig Abbasov "M.Hadi's creativity in a new cultural thinking", Associate Professor Mehdi Ganjali "Study of M.Hadi's heritage in Turkey".

Azer Turan, editor-in-chief of Edebiyyat newspaper, Elnara Akimova, head of the Children's Literature Department, Doctor of philological sciences, also spoke at the online conference.


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