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15.07.2020 / Conferences, sessions An online event dedicated to the 110th birthday of academician Abdulla Garayev

On July 14, a round-table discussion was held online at Baku State University (BSU) on the 110th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding scientist and public figure, founder of physiology in Azerbaijan, rector of the BSU in 1944-1950, honored worker of science, academician Abdulla Garayev.

Initially, the moderator of the event, director of the Center for Organization of Scientific Activities and Innovations of BSU Mammad Rajabov, spoke about the life and work of the first physiologist of Azerbaijan Abdulla Garayev. He noted that A. Garayev, who made a great contribution to the development of domestic science, left an indelible mark on the history of our science and education.

Then, BSU rector Elchin Babayev spoke about the multifaceted scientific and social activities of Academician A. Garayev. He said that the scientist, who was one of the organizers of the Laboratory of Experimental Physiology, created in 1938, devoted his whole life to the development of physiology, biology, and medicine. Starting to work at BSU in 1941, A. Garayev subsequently became its rector. As a result of the scientist in the mid-1950s, the university has become the strongest scientific center of the republic.

Further, the lecture on “Academician Abdulla Garayev as the organizer of science” was made by the vice- president of ANAS, director of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, academician Irada Huseynova. She emphasized that the outstanding scientist entered the history of science of Azerbaijan as the founder of the national school of physiology. The first academic structure in the republic conducting basic research in the field of human and animal physiology was the Department of Physiology, created on his initiative at the Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR. Based on this structure, which subsequently received the status of a sector under the Presidium, the Institute of Physiology was established in 1968.

Irada Huseynova noted that today the Institute of Physiology, which bears the name of Academician A. Garaev, develops the ideas put forward by scientists during his leadership of the institute, coordinates the research in the field of physiology in the republic and contributes to the training of young personnel.

Director of the Institute of Physiology of ANAS, professor Ulduz Hashimova, head of the Department of Normal Physiology named after A. Garayev of the Azerbaijan Medical University, corresponding member of ANAS Arif Mammadov, senior researcher of the Institute of Physiology, corresponding member of ANAS Rafig Gasimov, head of the Department of Human Physiology and also spoke at the event BSU animals, associate professor Valida Madatova, assistant professor of the department Ruhangiz Babayeva and doctoral student Konul Hasanova.

In their speeches, they talked about the life path and high human qualities of the scientist, his scientific research, textbooks written by A. Garayev in the Azerbaijani language, and the academic and pedagogical activities of the academician.

In conclusion, on behalf of the scientist’s family, the granddaughter of academician A. Garayev, associate professor of the Department of Biomedical Sciences of the Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, doctor of philosophy in biology Vafa Adigozelova spoke. She expressed gratitude to the leadership of BSU, Division of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS and all participants of the event.

The round table ended with a screening of a documentary prepared by the Institute of Physiology about Abdulla Garayev.


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