NEWS Archive 2217 Çap et
20.07.2020 / Important events Associate of the Institute of Physiology awarded Harvard Certificate

Farhad Rustamov, a junior researcher of the Ecotoxicology laboratory of the Institute of Physiology named after academician Abdulla Garayev of ANAS, completed two distance learning courses at Harvard University (USA) and was awarded a certificate.

The young scientist, who successfully completed the courses "Fundamentals of Neuroscience: Electrical Properties of Neurons" and "Fundamentals of Neuroscience: Neural Networks", said that in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, some well-known universities around the world are organizing free distance learning courses in various scientific fields. These courses feature online video lectures, scientific publications from famous universities in the world, interactive diagrams, video recordings of experimental, clinical and applied work based on course materials, as well as video recordings of experiments.

F. Rustamov noted that for passing the distance courses, where interviews with Nobel Prize winners and experimental tests are presented, it is necessary to be fluent in English. International certifications are recognized all over the world.


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