NEWS Archive 2807 Çap et
24.06.2019 / Conferences, sessions The Institute conducted training on the topic "INTERACTIVE SEARCH BASED ON EBSCOhost"

At the Institute of Physiology named after academician Abdulla Garayev, the Central Scientific Library of the ANAS conducted a training on the topic “Interactive search based on EBSCOhost” organized within the framework of the Azerbaijan Library and Information Consortium.

The head of the innovative projects department, Jamila Yusifova, informed the audience about the benefits and rules for using the EBSCO database, a search engine referring to the terminology and keywords of the article and informed about the methods for selecting the necessary publishing houses for publishing articles in foreign journals. D. Yusifova also added that the organization she represents is the largest coordinator of leading publishers and gave short information about the history of EBSCO - one of the most influential American companies in the field of scientific resources.

D. Yusifova reported that the EBSCO database, which includes a total of up to 20 directions, puts out publications not only in the United States and in Europe, but also provides electronic versions of documents in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian and other languages to readers all over the world.

At the end, D. Yusifova answered the questions of the participants of the event and learned about their suggestions and comments.


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