NEWS Archive 2407 Çap et
17.01.2020 / Conferences, sessions 20 January – 30rd page of the heroic chronicle

On December 17, 2020 the Institute of Physiology hosted memorial event dedicated to the 30rd anniversary of 20January tragedy.

Prof. Ahmed Hajiyev, Dr.S. in Mathematics and Physics, Deputy Director of the institute, making opening speech, noted that 20 January 1990, one of the tragic days, went down in history of Azerbaijan as a heroic page of our people. He stressed, that night the genuine sons of the homeland for whom freedom, honor, dignity of the country were above all, gave their lives for it.

After a minute of silence, the memory of martyrs had been honored and a word was given to Ulvi Kadir, Karabakh veteran, commander of armed forces of Azerbaijan. He noted, those bloody days of 1990, Azerbaijan's people demonstrated how many sons they had who were ready to die for independence of their motherland.

Then the word was given to Shalala Gasimova, Director of the school named after M.Mehtizadeh of Jabrayil district. She made a report titled "20 January tragedy – heroic page of our history": "20 January tragedy is a honored date for the people that demonstrated boldness for achieving their sovereignty". Also she noted that all of us should assume this date as the peak on the way to independence of Azerbaijan, as well as awakening of the national ideology.

Then, Rukhsara Dzhumaeva, an invalid veteran of group I, Afik Gaziev, Ph.D., Head of the laboratory “Environmental factors and the formation of analyzers” and others who spoke about the causes of the January 20 tragedy, about what members of the martyrs' families experienced that night, and about what happened that night when the sons of our homeland demonstrated their preparedness to fight for the restoration of its independence.

At the end of the event, Mammadova Dilshad, the wife of Allahverdiyev Nariman, a martyr of January 20 tragedy gave the institute as a present a map reflecting the integrity of the territory of Azerbaijan in 1918-1920, and at the end of the event the students of the secondary school named after M. Mehdizade of the Jabrayil district, made a performance dedicated to the martyrs of January 20 tragedy.


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